Friendly reminder to WMRSD families and Staff to vote tomorrow, March 11th! 🗳️ Voting will take place at your town’s regular polling places. For budget details, visit the SAU #36 website: https://www.sau36.org/page/budget-information.
Thank you! Best, Marion

WMSI starts Wednesday, March 19th and permission slips are due Monday, March 17th. Please see Mr. Marston or the office for permission slips. WMSI is for 4th-6th graders and runs for 10 weeks starting on Wednesday (2:30-4:00)

ONE WEEK to the Whitefield School Souper Bowl Cook Off! Don't miss this yummy good time and support the 4th grade's class trip.

From the SEL Office

NO SCHOOL | Winter Vacation - Feb 24-28
Enjoy the break!

February Counseling Cove Newsletter

EARLY RELEASE | Wednesday, Feb 19th - Dismissal starts at 11:25

Good Evening White Mountains Regional School District Families and Staff. Given the weather forecast, and to provide our district staff adequate time to ensure safe entry to our schools, we will have a 2-hour delay tomorrow. There will be preschool and breakfast will not be served. Thank you.


Next week is our annual Winter Carnival! See the poster for theme days and events.

Good Afternoon White Mountains Regional School District Families and Staff. All after school activities are cancelled today.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The WES SOUPer Bowl is sure to be a deliciously good time. Prizes awarded for the favorites. Come out and support the 4th Grade's field trip!
Sign up Information: https://tinyurl.com/y3npmbcm

Don't miss your chance to get flowers for all those that you love! Sales are open through Feb 13th.

Dear Parents of WMRSD Students,
WMRSD will be releasing students tomorrow, February 6th, beginning at 11:20.
While we are used to dealing with snow, the northeast weather consultants and the state are forecasting a high confidence of a cross over to freezing rain at our normal dismissal time.
Our goal is to ensure that everyone makes it home safely before the freezing rain makes hazardous conditions.
All school- related activities outside of school will be cancelled for the day.
Thank you!
Marion Anastasia