Whitefield Recreation Basketball Sign Ups
Good Evening WES Families,
We are happy to be welcoming families back to the building for our Fall Open Houses. As we have Election Day on Tuesday the 8th we have adjusted the schedule so that family and staff have the opportunity to get to the polls. On Monday the 7th we will be hosting preschool through grade four. On Wednesday the 9th we will be welcoming seventh and eighth grade families from and on Monday the 14th we will be seeing fifth and sixth grade families. All of the Open Houses will take place from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Please note that the Scholastic Book Fair will be open each evening.
We look forward to seeing you all.
November Menu
We had a great time at the WES Pumpkin Walk on Friday evening! If you have some pictures you would like to share please email them to Mrs. Armstrong, earmstrong@sau36.org
Fall Scholastic Book Fair I November 7th - 11th
Trick Or Treat at The Summit by Morrison
Help bring a some Halloween fun to the residence of The Summit by Morrison while you are out and about this evening! #connect
Happy Halloween - this evening as you Trick or Treat in Whitefield be sure to take a look at the Spooktacular windows our eighth graders created!
WES Project Homebound
Mrs. Daly (Student Council) and I (NJHS) will be organizing the food drive collection efforts for Project Homebound this year.
In the spirit of giving and to be positive contributors to our community, classrooms can collect unexpired, unopened canned and non perishable goods from Monday 10/31 - Wednesday 11/9. These items will be delivered to the Project Homebound folks on Saturday 11/12
Student Council and NJHS members will be collecting items from classrooms in the mornings of Wednesday 11/4 and Friday 11/9. Please leave boxes/donations outside your classroom doors. Boxes are available by request if teachers need one.
Attached is the flyer we have made for the Whitefield School Community and the flyer that came from Project Homebound that outlines how to sign up and get a box.
Thank you,
Amanda Garneau
Middle School Science
Whitefield Elementary School
We are looking forward to the Pumpkin Walk this evening. Please be sure you bring your flashlights and sturdy footwear. Hope to see your there!
On Thursday, November 10th there will be an early release for students. Dismissal will begin at 11:25 am. There will be no preschool session that day. Lunch will be served for Kindergarten through eighth graders.
There is no school on Friday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day
WES Families, don't forget to drop off your Jack - O - Lanterns for tomorrow nights Pumpkin Walk! Our students have been hard at work creating their scarecrows and they can't wait to share the trail with you!
Good Evening Whitefield Community!
This call is for families who are interested in registering for the Toys for Tots program this holiday season. To enroll your family in receiving donations, please email the Toys for Tots Team, at toysfortotswes@sau36.org (spell out name). You will be contacted by Kaylie LaPointe, Gina Mangiafico, or Gabby Wetherbee in order to gather more information regarding the child's interests and sizes. If you are unable to email, please call the school at 603-837-3088 and you will be connected to the proper voicemail. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day.
8th Grade Fundraiser I Send A Halloween Boo Gram I October 24th - October 28th
Parents and family members can send them to children, and kids can send them to friends and teachers!
A Boo Gram is a Tootsie Pop with a To/From card attached. Each Boo Gram costs $1 and you can order as many as you would like!
Additional Information on flyer!
WES Halloween Costume Announcement I October 31st
Mark Your Calendars! I WES Penny Wars I Sixth Grade Fundraiser
Event Reminder I WES Pumpkin Walk I A Great Family Event
Please drop off your carved Jack O Lantern by Thursday, October 27th.
The walk will take place on Friday, October 28th. Be on the look out for the WES Scarecrows along the trail!
Event Fundraiser Additions I Family Photos I Face Painting I Hot Chocolate/Cider Stand I Donuts
WES Red Ribbon Week I October 25-October 28, 2022
8th Grade Fundraiser I Send A Halloween Boo Gram I October 24th - October 28th
Parents and family members can send them to children, and kids can send them to friends and teachers!
A Boo Gram is a Tootsie Pop with a To/From card attached. Each Boo Gram costs $1 and you can order as many as you would like!
Additional Information on flyer!
Holiday Bulb Fundraiser I Online Orders Due: December 15th
The Whitefield School is raising funds to support our Winter Wednesday Program.
Our Winter Wednesday Activity Program is for
students in K-8. The funds raised through this fundraiser and others will assist in offsetting
transportation costs and enrich supplies and program offerings for the 2022-2023 school year.
Thank you for assisting us in reaching our goal!
Website: https://tinyurl.com/2p8u26be
Contact Person: Mrs. Armstrong I earmstrong@sau36.org I 603.837.3088
Mark Your Calendars! I WES Penny Wars I Sixth Grade Fundraiser